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          NÁSTROJE CZ
          NÁSTROJE CZ

          Our own brand - A comprehensive range of drills, taps and other machining tools, abrasives, gauges and hand tools. We are the owners of the protective designs for the unique ground drills geometry CZ002 and CZ004, which comes from our own development.

          Powerful drill for soft, hard, glued, solid wood and beams.

          In stock
          2 454,00 Kč 

          Standard drill bits recommended for drilling in unalloyed and alloyed steel parts, cast steel up to 900 N / mm2, tempered gray

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          92,00 Kč 

          Set of hand taps for metric thread

          In stock
          203,00 Kč 

          Machine taps for fine metric thread with spiral flute

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 978,00 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for common drilling of alloyed and non-alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile cast irons, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          75,00 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for drilling in components made of non-alloy and alloy steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray malleable and ductile iron, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          576,00 Kč 

          Set of hand taps for fine metric thread

          In stock
          467,00 Kč 

          Set of hand taps for fine metric thread

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          4 797,00 Kč 

          Machine taps for pipe thread with straight flute and spiral point

          In stock
          1 568,99 Kč 

          Vrták do kovu s ostřím ze slinutého karbidu

          In stock
          456,00 Kč 

          High-performance ground drills for materials with a strength up to 900 N/mm2, especially steel, non-ferrous metals, aluminum alloys and plastics.

          In stock
          49,01 Kč 

          Velmi výkonný vybrušovaný vrták jehož délkové rozměry odpovídají normě DIN 338. Vrták patří mezi nejlepší nástroje z rychlořezných ocelí v oboru vrtání do materiálů s pevností do 900N/mm2.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          243,00 Kč 
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