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          Short drills DIN 1897

          Vrták 05,30 1897RNHSSTIN povlakovaný

          In stock
          109,00 Kč 

          Vrták 12,00 x 102 DIN 1897RNHSS PN2905 černěný

          In stock
          179,00 Kč 

          Vrták 15,50 x 115 DIN 1897RNHSS PN2905 černěný

          In stock
          483,00 Kč 

          Powerful ground drills recommended for conventional drilling on automatic and turret lathes in thin-walled materials.

          In stock according to variants
          46,20 Kč 

          Výkonné vrtáky doporučené pro běžné vrtání na automatových a revolverových soustruzích v součástkách z nelegované i legované oceli, ocelolitiny do pevnosti 900 N/mm2.

          In stock according to variants
          14,40 Kč 

          Výkonné levořezné vrtáky doporučené pro běžné vrtání na automatových a revolverových soustruzích v součástkách z nelegované i legované oceli, ocelolitiny do pevnosti 900 N/mm2.

          In stock according to variants
          507,00 Kč 

          Short double-ended ground drills suitable for riveting, tinsmithing, bodywork, etc.

          In stock according to variants
          73,00 Kč 

          Powerful ground drills recommended for conventional drilling on automatic and turret lathes in thin-walled materials.

          In stock according to variants
          24,90 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for common drilling of alloyed and non-alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile cast irons, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          In stock according to variants
          32,20 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for common drilling of alloyed and non-alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile cast irons, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          In stock according to variants
          49,50 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for common drilling of alloyed and non-alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile cast irons, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          In stock according to variants
          49,50 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for common drilling of alloyed and non-alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile cast irons, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          In stock according to variants
          45,60 Kč 

          Short double-ended ground drills suitable for riveting, tinsmithing, bodywork, etc.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          128,01 Kč 

          Short double-ended ground drills suitable for riveting, tinsmithing, bodywork, etc.

          In stock according to variants
          39,70 Kč 

          High-performance single-end ground drills with a short helix and a point for drilling spot welds.

          In stock according to variants
          99,00 Kč 

          High-performance double-end ground drills with a short helix and a point for drilling spot welds.

          In stock according to variants
          170,01 Kč 

          High-performance single-end ground drills with a short helix without a point for drilling spot welds.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          141,00 Kč 

          High-performance single-end ground drills with a short helix without a point for drilling spot welds.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          102,00 Kč 
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