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          Presentation video about company
          Company NÁSTROJE CZ, s.r.o. introduces itself to you

          Testing of wood drills
          Comparing of wood drills - DR338RCZ50HSS vs. DR1121RNHSS

          Testing of steel taps
          Testing of steel taps CZZ1500 and 2050 on CNC machine

          Testing of stainless steel taps
          Testing of stainless steel taps CZZ1660HQ and 2260 on CNC machine

          International engineering fair NITRA 2019
          Tapping of threads on CNC machine DUGART 760XP during International engineering fair in NITRA in 2019

          Presentation videos

          Presentation video about company

          Company NÁSTROJE CZ, s.r.o. introduces itself to you

          Testing videos


          Medzinárodný strojársky veľtrh NITRA 2019

          Rezanie závitov na CNC stroji DUGART 760XP na medzinárodnom strojárskom veľtrhu v Nitre
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