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          Socket sets

          Sady hlavic, známé též jako gola sady, patří mezi nezbytné pomocníky v dílně každého kutila. Liší se především podle velikosti čtyřhranu na ráčně, nástrčných hlavic, bitů a dalšího příslušenství.

          Set of tools 13pcs in robust metal case 4CZech

          In stock
          30 390,00 Kč 

          Set of tools 42pcs with unique soskets 4CZech ONE

          In stock
          2 432,00 Kč 

          Set of tools 23pcs with unique soskets 4CZech ONE

          In stock
          2 858,00 Kč 

          Set of tools 59pcs with unique soskets 4CZech ONE

          In stock
          5 763,00 Kč 

          Set of tools 18pcs in robust metal case 4CZech

          In stock
          15 525,99 Kč 

          Set of tools 15pcs with unique soskets 4CZech ONE

          In stock
          1 293,01 Kč 

          Set of tools 26pcs with unique soskets 4CZech ONE

          In stock
          4 092,99 Kč 

          Demonstration block for sockets 4CZech ONE

          In stock
          844,00 Kč 

          Set of tools 13pcs in robust metal case 4CZech + Remote-controlled articulated lorry model Mercedes Benz

          In stock
          10 999,00 Kč 

          Set of tools 13pcs in robust metal case 4CZech + Mobile phone Iphone 6S

          In stock
          18 999,00 Kč 

          Sockets with patented technology 4CZech ONE for perfect contact with a nut enabling to loosen even completely damaged nuts and prevent their damage

          In stock
          804,00 Kč 

          Sockets with patented technology 4CZech ONE for perfect contact with a nut enabling to loosen even completely damaged nuts and prevent their damage

          In stock
          1 973,99 Kč 

          Socket set - 6HR

          In stock
          1 562,00 Kč 

          Socket set - 6HR

          In stock
          1 394,00 Kč 

          Socket set SL, Phillips and Pozidrive

          In stock
          1 072,00 Kč 

          Socket set TRX

          In stock
          1 812,00 Kč 

          Socket set TRX with hole

          In stock
          1 424,00 Kč 

          Socket set XZN

          In stock
          1 878,00 Kč 

          Sockets with patented technology 4CZech ONE for perfect contact with a nut enabling to loosen even completely damaged nuts and prevent their damage

          In stock
          804,00 Kč 

          Sockets with patented technology 4CZech ONE for perfect contact with a nut enabling to loosen even completely damaged nuts and prevent their damage

          In stock
          1 024,00 Kč 

          Socket set - TRX with hole and 6HR

          In stock
          969,00 Kč 

          Socket set SL, Phillips and Pozidrive, Torx

          In stock
          842,00 Kč 

          Set of special sockets in rail, square, spanner, Tri-Wing, Four-Wing bit sockets

          In stock
          872,00 Kč 

          Sockets with patented technology 4CZech ONE for perfect contact with a nut enabling to loosen even completely damaged nuts and prevent their damage

          In stock
          1 102,00 Kč 

          Socket Set 8-32mm bi-hexagonal + ratchet

          In stock
          4 098,00 Kč 

          Socket set in rail

          In stock
          805,00 Kč 

          Sockets with patented technology 4CZech ONE for perfect contact with a nut enabling to loosen even completely damaged nuts and prevent their damage

          In stock
          811,99 Kč 

          Gola sada 42dílná s unikátními hlavicemi 4CZech ONE + Kožená brašna s vnitřním zipem

          In stock
          1 599,00 Kč 

          Gola sada 18dílná v robustním plechovém kufru 4CZech + Digitální kamera JVC GZ-R405B

          In stock
          9 999,00 Kč 

          Gola sada 59dílná s unikátními hlavicemi 4CZech ONE + 2-rychlostní aku vrtačka s příklepem + aku-rázový utahovák 18,0 V

          In stock
          21 481,00 Kč 
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