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          Long drills according to DIN 340

          Sada vrtáků 91-dílná 1,00-10,00x0,1mm dlouhá řada DIN340 RN HSS, stojánek plastový

          In stock
          8 289,00 Kč 

          Vrták 05,00 DIN 340LNHSS Lesklý

          In stock
          116,99 Kč 

          Vrták 06,80 - 156/102 DIN 340RNHSSTiN

          In stock
          231,00 Kč 

          Vrták 02,90 DIN 340RCZ100HSSCo8

          In stock
          137,00 Kč 

          Vrták 03,00 - 100/66 DIN 340LNHSS PN2921

          In stock
          97,01 Kč 

          Standard long roll forged drills recommended for deep-hole drilling to unalloyed steel or alloyed steel, cast steel up to 900 N/mm2, grey-, malleable or nodular cast iron, sintered steel, Al-alloys with short chip, bronze, tough brass.

          In stock according to variants
          32,40 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills for drilling holes with greater depth in unalloyed and alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile iron, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          In stock according to variants
          27,60 Kč 

          High-performance ground twist drills for demanding drilling of holes with greater depth in components made of difficult-to-machine materials, alloy steel and cast steel, steel for volume hot and cold forming, rolls of rolling mills, stainless steel,

          In stock according to variants
          57,00 Kč 

          High-performance ground twist drills for difficult-to-machine materials, alloy steels and steelworks, especially for drilling in steel for volume hot and cold forming, rolls of rolling mills, steel for case hardening and tempering, stainless steel.

          In stock according to variants
          57,00 Kč 

          Powerful long solid ground twist drills for ordinary drilling in components made of soft materials with long chips, such as aluminum, zinc, copper, silumin, electron, thermoplastics and ferrous materials with strength up to 500 N/mm2.

          In stock according to variants
          52,01 Kč 

          Powerful long rigid ground twist drills for ordinary drilling in components made of soft materials with long chips, such as aluminum, zinc, copper, silumin, electron, thermoplastics and ferrous materials with strength up to 900 N/mm2.

          In stock according to variants
          62,00 Kč 

          High-performance ground twist drills with a very strong core, with an enlarged flute profile while maintaining the rigidity of the drill recommended for drilling deep holes in alloy steel components, cast steel with a strength of up to 900 N/mm2.

          In stock according to variants
          52,01 Kč 

          High-performance long ground twist drills for alloy steel, steel castings with a strength of more than 1200 N/mm2 and especially for drilling steel for volume hot and cold forming, crankshafts, case-hardening and tempering steel and stainless steel.

          In stock according to variants
          62,00 Kč 

          Vrták 06,00 - 139/91 DIN 340RNHSSTiN

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          167,00 Kč 

          Prodloužené vrtáky DIN 340 se šroubovicí RH.

          In stock
          518,00 Kč 

          Výkonné levořezné vybrušované vrtáky doporučené pro vrtání v součástkách z nelegované i legované oceli, ocelolitiny do pevnosti 900 N/mm2, šedé temperované i tvárné litiny, spékané oceli, hliníkové slitiny s krátkou třískou,

          In stock
          104,00 Kč 
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