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          The wide range of tools and accessories that Stanley offers in its portfolio will find application both in home workshops of DIYers and in a number of professional companies. The tradition of production since 1843 obliges to great responsibility for the quality of these products. From the beginning of production for many years, the company has worked closely with the trading company Black & Decker, until this merger resulted in the establishment of the joint Stanley Black & Decker group in 2010. This merger has made them the largest tool manufacturer in the world.

          Obsah sady: 8x8; 10x10; 12x12; 13x13; 17x17; 19x19 mm

          In stock
          1 863,00 Kč 

          1/4" bit Ph1 25mm

          In stock
          7,10 Kč 

          38-dílná 3/8" sada hlavic

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 824,99 Kč 

          10dílná sada plochých a křížových šroubováků

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          488,01 Kč 

          Lampe Frontale 200 Lm

          Svítilna má detektor pohybu-možnost vypínání/zapínání pohybem ruky před svítilnou.

          In stock
          838,00 Kč 

          Extra vnitřní prostor. Vodotěsný.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 363,00 Kč 

          Riveter Mr33

          Nýtovací kleště pro hobby použití

          In stock
          313,00 Kč 

          Face Mallet 34mm

          Palice vyrobená vstřikováním z jednoho kusu plastu 

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          775,01 Kč 

          Použití: zátěžové upevňování fólií, koberců, kartonů, střešních krytin apod.

          In stock
          54,99 Kč 

          Čepel má 7 segmentů

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          213,00 Kč 

          Čepel 5191 0-11-951 /5ks/

          In stock
          143,00 Kč 

          Šroubovák 1000V 6,5x150

          In stock
          205,00 Kč 
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