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          The wide range of tools and accessories that Stanley offers in its portfolio will find application both in home workshops of DIYers and in a number of professional companies. The tradition of production since 1843 obliges to great responsibility for the quality of these products. From the beginning of production for many years, the company has worked closely with the trading company Black & Decker, until this merger resulted in the establishment of the joint Stanley Black & Decker group in 2010. This merger has made them the largest tool manufacturer in the world.

          Magnetický držák bitů, 5 ks

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          725,00 Kč 

          Stanley18inch Tote

          Vyrobena z pevné a odolné tkaniny s hustotou 600 vláken. Velmi pevná a odolná rukojeť.

          In stock
          1 250,00 Kč 

          Kovaná z chrom-vanadové oceli, MaxiDrive profil pro lepší přenos krouticího momentu na matici

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          50,00 Kč 

          Klíče očkoploché ráčnové

          In stock according to variants
          105,00 Kč 

          Brusné papíry pro excentrickou brusku

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          60,00 Kč 

          Šroubovací bit s magnetickým ScrewLock systémem

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          65,00 Kč 

          Úložný box s přihrádkami

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          43,80 Kč 

          Rukojeť certifikovaná pro bezpečnou práci do 1 000 V. Chromované čelisti odolné proti korozi.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          669,00 Kč 

          Konstrukce čepu pro přesné, plynulé stříhání

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          638,00 Kč 

          Kované z chrom-molybdenové oceli. Válcové rukojeti s návlekem z černého PVC.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          594,00 Kč 

          Náhradní čelisti ke štípacím kleštím

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          319,00 Kč 

          Chromovaný leštěný povrch pro zvýšení odolnosti vůči povětrnostním vlivům

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          669,00 Kč 
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