They are specially formulated to lubricate and protect moving parts in industrial applications. These oils and lubricants have different, specific properties compared to classic oils. These are primarily viscosity, wear resistance and temperature range. Thanks to this, it is possible to use industrial lubricants in demanding conditions with high temperatures, pressures or vibrations and on components with high loads. They are often used in various industries - chemical industry, construction industry, automotive industry, etc.
Overview of the main types of industrial oils:
1. Hydraulic oils - for presses, cylinders, lifting equipment. E.g. Shell Tellus S2, Mobil DTE 24, Total Azolla ZS
2. Lubricating oils for gearboxes and bearings - for industrial gearboxes, rolling and sliding bearings. E.g. Mobilgear 600 XP, Shell Omala S2 GX, Total Carter EP
3. Turbine oils - for bearings and turbine control systems. E.g. Shell Turbo T, Mobil DTE 832
4. Compressor oils - for piston, screw and centrifugal compressors. E.g. Mobil Rarus 427, Shell Corena S2 P
5. Cutting and cooling oils (machining) - for lubrication and cooling when cutting, drilling or threading. E.g. Cimtap, Molyslip, Mobilcut
6. Heat transfer oils - in heating and cooling systems. E.g. Shell Thermia, Mobiltherm, Total Seriola
7. Insulating oils (transformer) - for insulation and cooling in transformers. E.g. Shell Diala, Nynas Nytro
8. Special industrial oils
Choosing the right oil depends on the specific requirements of the equipment. This can be viscosity, temperature range or compatibility with other materials. Always consult the machine manufacturer for oil selection. He can recommend a specific oil or ISO/DIN standard. If possible, use environmentally friendly oils.
The universal lubricant WD-40 is certainly worth mentioning, both for professional and hobby use. It is the best-known and best-selling technical lubricant in the world.
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