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          FatMax S/D Parallel 3 X 50mm

          Dřík z chrom-vanadové oceli umožňuje zatížení vysokým kroutícím momentem při sníženém riziku štěpení hrotu.


          Your price125,01  Kč 
          Your price without VAT103,31  Kč 
          The articles is on the way from the supplier


          FatMax S/D Parallel 3 X 150mm

          Code: ST-1-64-979
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          140,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 3 5 X 75mm

          Code: ST-1-64-983
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          119,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 3,5 X 100mm

          Code: ST-1-64-984
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          125,01  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 2 5 X 50mm

          Code: ST-1-65-006
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          99,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 3X100mm

          Code: ST-1-65-008
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          129,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 4X100mm

          Code: ST-1-65-017
          In stock
          129,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 4X150mm

          Code: ST-1-65-093
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          138,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 5 5 X 150mm

          Code: ST-1-65-094
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          150,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 6 5 X 150mm

          Code: ST-1-65-096
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          167,00  Kč 

          FatMax S/D Parallel 6,5 X 200mm

          Code: ST-1-65-097
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          172,00  Kč 

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