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          Pry Bars Basic

          Páčidla Basic se zahnutým a rovným plochým koncem


          Your pricefrom 707,00  Kč 
          Your price without VATfrom 584,30  Kč 
          In stock according to variants


          Pry Bar Basic 1000mm 2690g

          Code: BA-WBB1000
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 270,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 1200mm 3200g

          Code: BA-WBB1200
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 626,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 1500mm 2940g

          Code: BA-WBB1500
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 517,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 391mm 560g

          Code: BA-WBB400
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          707,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 500mm 910g

          Code: BA-WBB500
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          724,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 595mm 1370g

          Code: BA-WBB600
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          838,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 680mm 1540g

          Code: BA-WBB700
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          915,00  Kč 

          Pry Bar Basic 810mm 1990g

          Code: BA-WBB800
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          985,00  Kč 

          Páčidlo Basic
          Zahnutý a rovný plochý konec
          Material C45
          Tepelně upraveno v oblasti tenkých konců páčidla
          Šestihranný profil tyčoviny

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