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          Hex L-Keys with nickel finish

          L-klíče metrické šestihranné s niklovou povrchovou úpravou


          Your pricefrom 13,39  Kč 
          Your price without VATfrom 11,07  Kč 
          In stock according to variants


          Hex L-key with nickel finish 1.5mm

          Code: BA-1998M-1.5
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          15,80  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 10mm

          Code: BA-1998M-10
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          124,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 12mm

          Code: BA-1998M-12
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          177,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 14mm

          Code: BA-1998M-14
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          264,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 17mm

          Code: BA-1998M-17
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          407,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 19mm

          Code: BA-1998M-19
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          592,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 2mm

          Code: BA-1998M-2
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          13,39  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 2.5mm

          Code: BA-1998M-2.5
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          13,39  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 22mm

          Code: BA-1998M-22
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          909,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 3mm

          Code: BA-1998M-3
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          20,59  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 4mm

          Code: BA-1998M-4
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          27,90  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 5mm

          Code: BA-1998M-5
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          40,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 6mm

          Code: BA-1998M-6
          In stock
          46,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 7mm

          Code: BA-1998M-7
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          67,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 8mm

          Code: BA-1998M-8
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          77,00  Kč 

          Hex L-key with nickel finish 9mm

          Code: BA-1998M-9
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          89,00  Kč 

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