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          Re-sharpening machine for drills BV26 range 11-26mm, 230V, 0,5A, 90W

          Re-sharpening machine for twist right-hand drills made of high speed and cobalt steel in the range of diameters 11-26mm

          The only grinder on the market with guaranteed quality from a drill bit manufacturer!
          Značka:NÁSTROJE CZ

          Your price66 391,01  Kč 
          Your price without VAT54 868,60  Kč 
          In stock

          Katalogový list pro brusku BV26

          Re-sharpening machine for twist right-hand drills made of high speed and cobalt steel in the range of diameters 11-26mm.
          The extent of point angle setting is 90-140°.
          It is also possible to grind relieved cross cutting ege of the type „AC“.
          Supplied with CBN disc. As a special accessory we also offer a diamond wheel for grinding drills made of hard metal materials.
          Air cooling.
          Easy setting and short time of grinding predestine this machine for fast and operative sharpening.

          The only grinder on the market with guaranteed quality from a drill bit manufacturer!

          Grinding machine for spiral right-hand drill bits made of high-speed and cobalt steels

          In stock
          30 372,00 Kč 

          Re-sharpening machine for twist right-hand drills made of high speed and cobalt steel in the range of diameters 8-32mm

          In stock
          82 361,00 Kč 

          Bruska na spirálové pravotočivé vrtáky vyrobené z rychlořezných a cobaltových ocelí + Bruska na vrtáky BV13 rozsah 2-13mm + Sada vrtáků ČSN 221121RNHSS 130-dílná v plastovém podstavci

          In stock
          96 763,00 Kč 
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