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          Sr. vrtáky HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Kobaltové vrtáky s kuželovou stopkou pro vrtání v těžce obrobitelných materiálech

          Vyrobeno dle normy ČSN 221146

          Your pricefrom 1 212,00  Kč 
          Your price without VATfrom 1 001,65  Kč 
          In stock according to variants


          Sr. vrták 10,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461000F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 674,00  Kč 

          SR. VRTAK 10,5 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146

          Code: SM-A461050F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 973,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 11,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461100F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 751,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 12,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461200F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 840,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 13,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461300F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 945,00  Kč 

          Drill 14,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461400F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 084,00  Kč 

          SR. VRTAK 14,5 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146

          Code: SM-A461450F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 431,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 15,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461500F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 158,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 16,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461600F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 273,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 17,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461700F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 393,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 17,5 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461750F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 842,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 18,0 190/90 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A461800F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 522,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 20,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462000F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 756,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 21,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462100F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 856,00  Kč 

          SR. VRTAK 21,5 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146

          Code: SM-A462150F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 292,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 22,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462200F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 919,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 23,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462300F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 030,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 24,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462400F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 168,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 25,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462500F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 299,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 26,0 225/105 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462600F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 425,99  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 27,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462700F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 528,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 28,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462800F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 652,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 29,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A462900F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 784,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 30,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463000F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 906,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 31,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463100F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          3 971,99  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 32,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463200F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          4 061,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 34,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463400F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          4 614,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 35,0 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463500F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          4 835,99  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 36,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463600F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          5 068,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 37,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463700F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          5 310,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 38,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463800F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          5 554,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 39,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A463900F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          5 802,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 40,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464000F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          6 064,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 41,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464100F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          6 408,99  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 42,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464200F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          6 881,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 43,0 265/120 HSSCo8 ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464300F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          7 510,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 44,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464400F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          8 244,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 45,0 265/120 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464500F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          9 118,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 48,0 340/150 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A464800F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          11 966,00  Kč 

          Sr. vrták 50,0 340/150 HX ZVSE 221146/HARDOX

          Code: SM-A465000F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          12 707,00  Kč 

          Vrtáky pro vrtání těžkoobrobitelných kovových materiálů HARDOX 57mm ZVSE 221146

          Code: SM-A465700F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          17 074,00  Kč 

          Vrtáky pro vrtání těžkoobrobitelných kovových materiálů HARDOX 60mm ZVSE 221146

          Code: SM-A466000F111S
          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          18 665,00  Kč 

          Vysoce výkonné vrtáky s vysokou tepelnou odolností, s vyšším obsahem Co (8%), se strmou šroubovicí a velkou tloušťkou jádra se speciálním ostřím.

          Jsou méně citlivé na zlomení.

          Jsou doporučovány k vrtání do těžce obrobitelných materiálů jako jsou plechy HARDOX 400 a HARDOX 500 a pancéřové plechy.

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