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          Poldi Kladno
          Poldi Kladno

          STROJÍRNY POLDI, a.s., se sídlem v České republice, je jedna z nejstarších strojírenských společností na světě, která má více než 125 let zkušeností. Se svými výrobky, mezi které patří klikové hřídele, válce a nástroje se řadí mezi významné evropské hráče v daných segmentech. Jsou zároveň jediným výrobcem klikových hřídelí v České republice. Jejich historie sahá až do roku 1889. Společnost sídlí a vyrábí v Kladně, poblíž Prahy. Více než 80 % své produkce vyváží do zahraničí, do různých zemí na čtyřech světových kontinentech.

          STROJÍRNY POLDI, a.s., dodávají vysoce kvalitní klikové hřídele určené pro motory předních globálních značek působících v segmentech výroby traktorů, lesnické a zemědělské techniky, stavebních strojů, nákladních automobilů, železniční a letecké techniky, čerpadel a kompresorů.

          Klikové hřídele se vyrábějí z dodávaných výkovků nebo odlitků, které jsou mechanicky a tepelně zpracovány s důrazem na mimořádně vysokou přesnost, kvalitu a užitné vlastnosti.

          Válce pro válcování za studena se v našem podniku vyrábějí z výkovků dodávaných firmami, které splňují přísné požadavky na jejich kvalitu. Opracování splňuje nejvyšší nároky zákazníků v oblasti výroby plechů.

          Nástroje jsou vyráběny z osvědčených rychlořezných, nástrojových a korozivzdorných ocelí se zaručenými užitnými vlastnostmi pro hutní, strojírenský, sklářský, potravinářský a stavební průmysl.

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          In stock
          212,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          258,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          344,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          344,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          406,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          164,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          210,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          189,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          In stock
          211,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          212,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          256,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          326,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          336,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          394,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          In stock
          164,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          164,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          In stock
          184,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          223,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          In stock
          239,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          284,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          327,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          In stock
          286,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          334,00 Kč 

          RADECO - ground semi-finished products with a rectangular, square, trapezoidal (as parting) and circular cross-section. The most common type of turning knives in piece and worpcshop production.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          483,00 Kč 
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