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          NÁSTROJE CZ
          NÁSTROJE CZ

          Our own brand - A comprehensive range of drills, taps and other machining tools, abrasives, gauges and hand tools. We are the owners of the protective designs for the unique ground drills geometry CZ002 and CZ004, which comes from our own development.

          Standardní tvářené vrtáky doporučené pro vrtání v součástkách z nelegované i legované oceli, ocelolitiny do pevnosti 900 N/mm2, šedé temperované i tvárné litiny, spékané oceli, hliníkové slitiny s krátkou třískou, bronzu.

          In stock
          26,20 Kč 

          Standard roll forged drills recommended for drilling in non-alloy and alloy steel components, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, tempered gray also ductile iron, sintered steel, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze.

          In stock
          565,00 Kč 

          High-performance ground twist drills with a very strong core, suitable for alloy steels, steel castings with a strength up to 900 N/mm2.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          2 261,01 Kč 

          Extra long ground drills recommended for drilling deep holes in components made of soft materials with long chips such as aluminum, zinc, copper, silumin, electron, thermoplastics and iron materials up to a strength of 500 N/mm2.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          514,00 Kč 

          Extra long ground twist drills recommended for drilling deep holes through drill bushes in components made of non-alloy and alloy steel, cast steel up to a strength of 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile iron, sintered steel, etc.

          In stock
          369,00 Kč 

          High-performance ground twist drills with a very strong core, suitable for alloy steels, steel castings with a strength up to 900 N/mm2.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 774,01 Kč 

          Záhlubník kuželový 90° se třemi břity na stopce, materiál HSSCo5, pro odstraňování ostřin, srážení hran a zahlubování otvorů pro šrouby se zápustnou hlavou

          In stock
          780,00 Kč 

          Brusné tělísko 30x20mm válcové 99/98A24M keramické na stopce 6mm

          In stock
          126,00 Kč 

          Extrémně výkonné monolitně vybrušované vrtáky pro CNC stroje s vysokou tepelnou odolností vhodné pro vrtání zejména do austenitických ocelí odolných protí korozi.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          353,01 Kč 

          Extrémně výkonné monolitně vybrušované vrtáky pro CNC stroje s vysokou tepelnou odolností vhodné pro vrtání zejména do austenitických ocelí odolných protí korozi.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          749,99 Kč 

          Vysoce kvalitní profi vrták s tříhrannou stopkou. Vrták se speciální tvrdokovovým hrotem a ocelovým tělem. Vhodný na přírodní kámen, žulu, cihly, beton a železobeton.

          In stock
          95,00 Kč 

          Korunka vykružovací SK 30,0 mm pro ocel a nerez, hloubka řezu 10mm

          In stock
          1 017,01 Kč 

          Nůž řezací hřibovitý 70/34mm pro deltabrusku

          In stock
          465,00 Kč 

          Závitová kruhová čelist pro jemný metrický závit z rychlořezné oceli, pro řezání závitů na válcových profilech, 6e

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          778,03 Kč 

          Bimetalová vykružovací korunka vhodná především na ocel. Je použitelná i na dřevo, plechy, mosaz, plast.

          In stock
          397,00 Kč 

          Vrtací korunka příklepová vhodná pro beton, žulu, železobeton, cihly a kámen

          In stock
          2 195,00 Kč 

          Circular die for fine metric thread

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          7 675,01 Kč 

          Sada vrtáků 19 dílná, 1,00 10,00x0,5mm S338RCZ002HSS 3D, plastová krabička

          In stock
          1 623,00 Kč 

          High-performance ground drills for drilling in components made of difficult-to-machine materials, alloy steel and cast steel up to a strength of 1200 N/mm2.

          In stock according to variants
          374,00 Kč 

          Machine taps for metric thread with straight flute and spiral point

          In stock according to variants
          535,00 Kč 

          Vrtáky doporučené pro běžné vrtání na automato vých a revolverových soustruzích v součástkách z legované i nelegované oceli, ocelolitiny do pev nosti 900 N/mm2, šedé, temperované i tvárné liti ny, spékané oceli, hliníkové slitiny s krátkou třís kou,

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          15,80 Kč 

          Vysoce účinné prodloužené čelní válcové tvrdokovové frézy. Pro hrubování i obrábění na čisto materiálů do pevnosti 1400 N/mm2, zejména do austenitických ocelí odolných proti korozi, kyselinám a žáru a legovaných zušlechtěných HSS a nástrojových ocelí

          In stock
          1 081,00 Kč 

          Fiber disc - Zirconium, suitable for steel, high strength steels, inox, non ferrous metals and their alloys, cast-iron

          In stock
          47,11 Kč 

          Set of a machine tap and a drill in a practical box

          In stock
          743,00 Kč 

          Vysoce výkonný tvrdokovový vrták pro obrábění oceli s tvrdostí do 1300 N/mm2

          In stock
          4 500,99 Kč 

          High-performance carbide drill for machining steel with a hardness up to 1300 N/mm²

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          6 888,00 Kč 

          Flap and polishing discs on shanks for grinding and polishing steel and stainless steel - Zirconium

          In stock
          125,01 Kč 

          Závitová čelist M10x1,5 NO 6g DIN EN 22 568 / ČSN 22 3210 - na blistru

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          177,00 Kč 

          Drills for SDS+ hammer drills for concrete, reinforced concrete, ytong, granite, etc.

          In stock
          275,00 Kč 

          Circular die for metric thread

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          202,00 Kč 

          Circular die for fine unified thread

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          805,00 Kč 

          Circular die for fine metric thread with spiral point

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          7 124,00 Kč 

          Circular die for fine metric thread

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          833,00 Kč 

          Flap disc

          In stock
          91,00 Kč 

          Standard ground twist drills for drilling soft and tough materials with long chips.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          118,00 Kč 

          High-performance long ground twist drills for difficult-to-machine materials - alloy steels, steelworks, especially for drilling steel for volume hot and cold forming, crankshafts, steel for cementing and tempering, stainless steel.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          336,00 Kč 

          Powerful drill for soft, hard, glued, solid wood and beams.

          In stock
          2 454,00 Kč 

          Standard drill bits recommended for drilling in unalloyed and alloyed steel parts, cast steel up to 900 N / mm2, tempered gray

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          92,00 Kč 

          Set of hand taps for metric thread

          In stock
          203,00 Kč 

          Machine taps for fine metric thread with spiral flute

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          1 978,00 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for common drilling of alloyed and non-alloyed steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray, malleable and ductile cast irons, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze, tough brass.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          75,00 Kč 

          Powerful ground twist drills recommended for drilling in components made of non-alloy and alloy steel, steel castings up to 900 N/mm2, gray malleable and ductile iron, sintered steels, aluminum alloys with short chips, bronze.

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          576,00 Kč 

          Set of hand taps for fine metric thread

          In stock
          467,00 Kč 

          Set of hand taps for fine metric thread

          The articles is on the way from the supplier
          4 797,00 Kč 

          Machine taps for pipe thread with straight flute and spiral point

          In stock
          1 568,99 Kč 
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